Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sugarbriety... what???

For the past 10 days, my leadership class had an "optional" challenge of doing the sugarbriety challenge.  This means we couldn't eat sugar (it's so yummy...), refined grains (my life source), or dairy (my source of fat).


I failed. Miserably.  On the 8th day, I gave up, I couldn't do it anymore.

Partially because I was losing an extreme amount of weight.  Mostly because I was tired, hungry, unsatisfied, and wanted to feel like a human again.

I ate all of the chocolate when it was over.

I'm going to be honest, it would be effective if you needed to lose weight–I can't deny that.  But I wanted food, and it didn't work for me.

I can seriously say it was the most pointless pain I had ever put myself through.

You say you like chocolate?


You want a bagel for breakfast?


You want to have ice cream for Mother's Day?


Do have any idea how difficult it was?  Do you?  DO YOU REALLY?

I'm sorry, it's something I feel very passionately about, I like food.  And eating.  Well, eating mostly.  It's one of my passions.

So yeah, if you're looking to lose weight, go for it.  If not, I don't recommend this challenge unless you feel like being overly exhausted, aggravated, and craving only the things you are told you can't have.

Image Creds:quick memes

I want to finish by thanking anyone who is reading this blog or has read this blog at some point this year.  Although my blog isn't popular like this amazing one, or this one, I found out that I genuinely like writing every week.  It was homework that wasn't tedious, it was more of a way to express my feelings about things I liked or hated (like this one).

So.  Yep.  Hope you enjoyed all of my rants and sob stories and lists, because I know I enjoyed yours.

Ciao Bella!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

A day in the life of...

A nerd (according to me)...  An overachiever (according to friends, not myself)...  A crazy person (according to my older sister)... A normal teenage girl (according to my parents, but they're wrong).

Okay, so maybe in actuality, a part of me is in each of these categories   I watch nerdy TV shows.  I do all of my homework.  I overreact to certain things.  I like friends, food, and clothes, along with a lot of other girly teenage things.

So yeah, I fit in to each and everyone of these categories.

Image Source: memecrunch

Needless to say, fulfilling all of these things make me feel like this:

Image Source: Go Running Blog

Now on to the actual point of the post... my life (I wrote that using a smeagol voice... that's creepy).

1.  Wake up (this only occasionally works, sometimes it takes more than a few tries).
Image Creds: funnycutepics
2. Put on clothing to look like an actual human being

THAT complicated...
Image Source: memegenerator

3. Make food, so that I can continue to function
Image Source: diylol

4. Bus ride... finally something not too bad (if you have a friend on your bus, at least)

Because Logic...
Image Source: owned

5. Two Periods (Either Math and Biology, or AP Geography and Chinese)

I just really like this meme, okay?
Image Source: Five Cool Things

6. Lunch. Friends.

Image Source: memegenerator

7. Two more periods (Either Manufacturing Tech and Leadership, or Public Speaking and English)

What can I say?
Image Source: Five Cool Things

8. Depends on the day: Sometimes, one. Sometimes, all of these things...   Either: Volunteer at the Park City History Museum or Furburbia Or: a sport (depends on the time of year...) Or: Go home to do the work of the home  Or: Hang out with my friends (assuming it's a Friday)

I bring it on myself, really.
Image Source: troll

9. If I'm not already home, arrive home.  Shower if needed.

All of the good shower memes were blocked... stupid filter
Image Source: catplanet

10. Dinner.  FOOD. What can I say?  It's a big part of my life.

Image Source: diylol

11. Homework. DUH. DUh. Duh. It's actually not that bad.

Image Source: memegen

12. Read the books with the words to fall asleep.

Image Source: booknerdreviews

13. Sleep... Want more of it.

Image Source: creatememe

Thursday, May 1, 2014

5 must haves

This week, I have been experiencing some writer's block, so this idea was stolen from my bestest friend Lulu.

In life, there are always things that you always have to have with you at every single moment of every single day.

Some of mine are pretty normal, while others, well, not so much.  So here goes it, my five must haves.

1.  Headphones

Headphones are great, well, in every way.  Music, videos, and everything else that have any audio are great when you're bored waiting for the bus or waiting for your physical therapy to start (a story for another time...).

The biggest plus is that you can use them to get rid of the annoying thoughts in your brain.  Blast some music in your ears and after a while, you start to feel better.

Image Courtesy: Jacks Surf Boards

2.  Vaseline

I'm not completely sure about this, but I've heard that most lip balm companies put chemicals in your lip balm to make your lips feel more dry.  Effective marketing?  Probably.  Customer needs satisfied?  I think not.

I get dry lips and cracking lips a lot, and vaseline is my go to item because of it.  I really love not feeling a blistering pain every time you smile, so it's definitely a plus for me.

Image Courtesy: Amazon

3. Extra Hair Ties

I HATE having my hair in my face for tests.  It's my pet peeve.  I generally find I get lower test scores because of it too.  Because of this, I always keep an extra hair tie on my wrist, for any moment I may need it.  So, to any of ya girls out there, or guys with long hair,  if ya need an extra hair tie, there's a good chance I'll have one for ya. 

Image Courtesy: Ali Express

4. Calculator

Revealing the nerdy (very nerdy) side of me, I ALWAYS have a calculator on me.  Usually, it's a huge TI-84 graphing calculator, but it's at least the one on my phone.  I can math, but I'm bad at division–really bad.  So, my calculator is my needed friend.

Image Courtesy: Wikipedia

5. Lotion

Kind of an extension from vaseline–my skin get's dry on a constant basis.  I always have a travel sized lotion in my backpack for those times that I can't stand it (and those I can too).  I love love love Bath and Body Works.  They've saved my skin more than once...

Image Courtesy: BaBW

Friday, April 25, 2014

*insert inspirational quote here*

I'm not going to lie and act like I'm cool.  I'm not.  I'm a sucker for great quotes.  I think that quotes have a lot of power.  They can make you laugh, cry, try harder, relax (something I need a lot), etc. etc.

*This post is getting serious. Fast.  Oops.*

But when I say quotes, I don't mean insta captions of facebook comments.  I mean genuine quotes that can motivate you.

"If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes."
-John Wooden

Basically saying that if you're doing something, you're going to make mistakes, and that's betten than not doing anything at all.  I love this quote because I make a lot of mistakes, and it makes me feel like even though I mess up, at least I'm beating people on the couch. 

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.
-Dr. Seuss

English translation please?  Basically you are in charge of yourself, and no one can change where you are going if you don't let them.  I like this quote because I think it's important to go for whatever you want in life, and not to let other people influence your future.

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.
-John Wooden

Bee Positive! Haha (:  but seriously, that's what this quote is (:  
image creds: skreened

The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.

-Marcus Aurelius

This quote is basically refuting the idea that revenge is sweet. It's about being a better person than the one who brought you down.  This is really important in my life because I used to be brought down a lot, but I got through it and I'm a better person because of it. 

*The way I interpret these quotes may not be the original meaning or what you think.  Please don't hurt me if you disagree (: 

**I apologize for such a serious post... Oops (:  

***Thank you!  I really appreciate you reading my blog (:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why am I me?

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You!"
  -Dr. Seuss

Everybody is their own individual person, as illustrated in the quote by the Einstein of poetry/kids books, Dr. Seuss.  

We are different because of our genetics of course, but what about our environment?  The things we experience, the things we are drawn towards, and, of course, the media.

There are several specific things that have changed the way I think, act, or view the world.  
For some of them, I don't exactly know how they changed me because I encountered them when I was too young to remember my exact age.  For others, it's obvious how they changed me.  

Here are just three of the things that have changed me.  Of course, there are sosososososo many more (:

1. Desperado

Desperado is a song by the Eagles.  The lyrics are super meaningful, and the music itself is... well... amazing.  But it's more than the lyrics and the tune that are important to me.  Rather, it's the fact that my dad used to (and still occasionally does) sing it to me before I go to bed.  A lot of the time with music,  I think it's the experiences we have with the songs that make them special. 

Image Credits: pinterest

2. Matrix Club

Matrix Club was the club I was a part of in Hong Kong.  We worked with refugees, and it made a huge impact on me.  I learned so much from it - more than I have from any other experience.  I learned empathy, which is a big deal to me. I think empathy is the most important thing anyone can ever learn.  Matrix Club also made me realize how messed up our world can be, but also how wonderful it can be, how strong a person can be, and how much impact one person can make.

3. The Breakfast Club

Image Creds: Movie Pilot

In my movie blog post, I said that the Breakfast Club was the only movie that changed my life.  It's hard to explain why I love this movie so much, honestly.  I guess, for me at least, it's a metaphor for all of the people in the world.  No matter who you are, where you belong, you have serious problems.  It also is great because I think each one of the kids in it is represented in a little part of everyone - there's always part of you that's smart, that's rebellious, that's a diva, that's competitive, even that's a little bit crazy.

And that's what makes us who we are. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Festival of Color

The Festival of Color took place in Spanish Fork last weekend.

I have wanted to go to a Holi festival (a festival in Hinduism, the predominant religion in India) since I saw it take place on the Amazing Race when I was just a little kid.  When I found out that there was one in Utah and my friends were going, the amount of excitement I was experiencing was probably a bit too much to be healthy.

On Saturday morning, Lulu, Joe, and I piled into Joe's family car.  The car was stocked with water, towels, and sheets to cover the seats with when we were covered with colored corn starch (all courtesy of Joe's dad).

When we arrived at the festival, I honestly was skipping down the side of the road.  Okay, maybe not skipping, but I definitely had an enthusiastic walk. gait. run...  I don't know...

At the end of the day, you could definitely say I was sufficiently covered with colored dust.  I may have gotten a bit in my eyes, and a lot in my lungs.  I also may have accidentally thrown a bit into some other people's eyes (I'm sorry about that... again... It was an accident... I'm sorry... Please, forgive me...), and covered a few other people with starch.

But all of it was totally worth it.  It was so so so much fun (:

Joe, Lulu, and I (from right to left) about half way through the festival (:
Image Courtesy: Joe's father (:

My clothes at the end of the day... My shoulders and face suffered the most (:

From Left to Right:  Sky, Joe, Lulu, Grant, and I
Noah's being cool in the front
Image Courtesy: Joe's dad, again (:

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Makeup, Clothes, and other Girly Things

No, don't worry, this will not be a post about how to put on makeup or how to curl your hair, but rather my opinions on certain girly things that are considered normal.

*Wait, normal?  What's normal?  I'll add quotation marks.*


Yes, that's much better.
Thank you to lol zombie for my new favorite picture (:

First of all, makeup.

This seems to be a big issue of controversy right now.  Most girls in my grade, including me,  wear makeup. Most girls think it's worth it, some guys think it's stupid, and some don't seem to have much of an opinion on it, which I find interesting.

However, to you guys out there who think I'm wearing makeup to impress you, that's not why I wear it.

I wear it for me (:


*Woah, what?  Girls don't try to impress every single guy they talk to?  What is this madness?*

If I look in the mirror and think my eyes are a bit brighter and that makes me feel better about myself, who are you to say that I shouldn't wear it?

That's not to say I think that girls should pile on makeup, because there's definitely a point where it goes to far.

But, to you girls out there, if that's what makes you happy, go for it (:

Next, the only logical thing to follow makeup, hair!  

Yippee,  everyone's favorite subject

*haha, that's a funny joke right there*

Ok, so it's not that I don't give a thought about how my hair looks because I spend approximately five minutes a day on it collectively, what I don't understand is waking up an hour earlier than you need to just so you can add some curls...

...or make it completely straight.

Either way, I'm a strong believer in sleeping (although I don't get much of it...) instead of making yourself look fantabulous.

So clothing, probably my favorite subject actually.

What can I say, I like clothes.  I'm not a "fashionista" or whatever it's called by any extent of the imagination, but I do like to have a large selection.

My mix of clothing is eclectic, from normal things from forever 21 to pants from Thailand to maybe a few too many pairs of pajama pants, I just like clothes.

One thing that's not big in my closet is anything uncomfortable... especially skirts...

*kudos to anyone who can wear a skirt everyday.  You are a superhero.  I don't know how you do it, but keep doing it because you look good. I'm impressed with your ability to look put together every day.*

**I really hope that no one thought that last note was sarcastic, because it wasn't...  I should probably be more careful about that...**

I apologize for my ranting... and if you do anything I mentioned in this (good or bad in my opinion...), keep doing it if it makes you happy, because being happy is the most important thing (:

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Film. Cinema. Theater. Entertainment.  MOVIES!

One of my favorite fun activities to do is watch movies, especially with friends and family.  Not only is it entertaining, but you don't have those awkward moments during them, which is always a plus.

So here it goes...

The Best Sad Movies:

1.  The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
2.  The Notebook
3.  The Fault in Our Stars (It's not out yet, but it's going to be great and it's going to be sad, so it belongs here)
4.  Marley and Me
5.  Because of Winn Dixie 
6.  UP

Honestly, this list could go on forever.  I think I've cried in every movie I've ever watched, but these are  some of the best of them.... I know, I know, I'm such a baby when it comes to movies(:

The Best Rom Coms:

1. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
2. 27 Dresses
3. 50 First Dates
4. 13 Going on 30
5. Silver Linings Playbook
6. Love Actually

Another one that could go on forever... I'm just a sappy movie kind of person, what can I say?

The Best Chick Flicks: (yeah, I know most of these are Rom Coms...)

1. Mean Girls
2. The Nanny Diaries
3. Easy A
4. Brides Maids
5. P.S. I love you
6. Letters to Juliet
7. Confessions of a Shopaholic
8. Legally Blonde (Don't judge me... I said don't!  No, please, really, I'm usually a good person...)

Yep... I'm a girl at heart

The Best Disney Movies:

Let's start with all of them, shall we?

We all know that Frozen is automatically the best, other than that though...

1. Monsters Inc.
2. Ice Age (all of them)
3. Despicable Me (I want a minion more than you know....)
4. Mulan
5. Cinderella
6. Snow White
7. Sleeping Beauty
8. Beauty and the Beast
9. Finding Nemo
10. Tangled
11. Cars
12. Toy Story (I refuse to give away a single stuffed animal because of Toy Story 3)

I don't want to type them all, just watch all of the Disney movies that have ever come out and your life will be semi-complete.  It will be complete when you know every line of every song of every movie.

The Movies that Have Changed My Life:

1. The Breakfast Club

Image Creds: IMDB

That's it. Honestly.  If you haven't seen it yet, watch it!  Of course there are other ones that I really love, but none of them have overwhelmed me as much as this one.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why I am a Nerd

On the Tetons trip I went on last week, I became friends with a few new people, which is great. However, one of them doesn't believe that I am a nerd (the good kind).

This is the inspiration for this wonderful blogpost about why I am a nerd.

1.  I'm relatively socially awkward

This isn't a bad thing, at least not completely.  It simply means that if you give me a compliment I will probably blush a lot.  It also means that if I'm in a room and the majority of the people there are not my best friends, I will hide in a corner and play Flow on my phone.

I know, you're all jealous of my social skills.

2. I do homework, a lot...

...and I get worried if I don't do it.  I probably do about an hour of necessary must-keep-my-grade-at-an-A homework a night.  The other two hours I usually do is to get ahead, get extra credit, or simply give myself something to do when I don't want to sleep.

Wait, did I say when I don't want to sleep.  But, but, I'm a teenager.  I have to sleep. (<---jokes)

3. My favorite thing ever is Sherlock

Not only am I in love with the TV show, but I've read every single Sherlock Holmes story written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  I kind of like someone named Benedict Cumberbatch too, who plays Sherlock in the BBC TV show.

My friend Benedict Cumberbatch (a.k.a sherlock).
Image creds: national geographic

Fun Fact!  I've also read about two hundred Nancy Drew Books in my life...  I guess I'm a mystery person...

4.  I have a lot of quirks

I'm past the point of trying to hide them... I'm open about the weird things (and not so weird things) that I do.  If you want to read all of these, I have a blog post about it.

5. I'm not a party person

I really don't like large groups of people (basically ten or more). I especially am not into the drinking / drug stuff, which is okay, even if I am a "Park City kid".   I much prefer watching a sappy movie and eating a lot of chocolate...

This isn't to say I don't have friends though, because I have some really great ones that mean a lot to me.  I also tend to get really attached if I do become friends with, so to any of you reading this, my deepest apologies for my clinginess... Just know I really appreciate you(:

There are also a lot of other things that make me a nerd, and I could go on, but I must go complete my other homework!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

A week in the mountains

Ok, yes, I do live in Park City, which means I'm always in the mountains, but this week I was in different mountains!  Yay for me!  +10 lifestyle points (points received for making the most out of a moment) awarded to me!

The other mountains mentioned above are called the Grand Tetons.  I'm just outside of Jackson Hole at the Teton Science School campus.  The week has been filled with lot's of fun, friends, sun, snow, sleep and even a bit of homework (Notice that caffeine wasn't mentioned in this list, I've been slightly deprived.  It was totally worth it though!)

The beautiful view of the Tetons.
Image Creds: tetontastic

I want to focus on one specific part of this week though–the people.  When I first applied and got accepted to the trip, I was so worried that I wouldn't know anyone on the trip and that I was going to be the awkward one in the corner, which seems to be a common event when I go on school trips.  I had less anxiety though when I found out that a few of my friends were going too!  My plan was to stick with them for the entire week.

That plan didn't work out too well.  I ended up meeting a lot of really cool people that I didn't know before.  I was forced to step outside of my social bubble (although I'm not socially exclusive, I promise!) and talk with people who I didn't see on a daily basis, and it ended up being better than I thought.  I now have a few more people to call friends, and that idea makes this week a whole lot better.

For readers to take away:  It's okay to feel safe with certain people–everyone does.  It's also okay to step outside your comfort zone once in a while, and the chances are it'll turn out great!

Friday, February 21, 2014

10 Baby Animals That Will Make You Smile

The other day, I was babysitting a family.  One of the girls, who is four, started talking about how much she loved animals.  So, I decided to show her some of the cutest baby animal pictures on the internet.

So here goes it:

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
Look at those little arms and little ears.  So cute!  

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
It's a kitten.  In a cup.  Oh my gooddddnesssss (:  Could a kitten be any cuter?

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
Awww look at 'em all bundled up and cozy.

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
Look at the face.  Look at it!  Awww...

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
It's so small(: That's all I have to say about this one...

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
IT'S CUDDLING WITH A TEDDY BEAR!  Could this be any cuter???

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
Nawwwww (:  Need I say more?

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
Puppies!  Definitely the cutest things... especially when you play with them!  Look at the little one yawning... adorable (:

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
Oh my goodness... I love this too much<3

Image Courtesy: the design inspiration
Awwwww it's a piggy(:  And this is why I don't eat meat 

Aren't they just the cutest?

All of these pictures are taken from the design inspiration, however if the seventy they have don't fit your needs, you can always google!

Okay I have to go look at some more baby animals... I'm such a four year old on the inside.

See ya!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Quirks of myself (:

1. an unusual habit or way of behaving
2. something strange that happens by chance

Oops... that wasn't the correct format... oh well (:

So yeah.  My quirks.  I don't consider myself an exceptionally quirky person, I mean, overall I consider myself relatively normal.

Wait no. I can't lie.  I have a lot of quirks.  I mean, A LOT.  It would take ages to go through all of them.  So lets not do that.  I'll just tell you a few (:

So they're my favorite.  If you ask any of my friends, they will tell you every time I am with them, some form of fuzzy socks are on my feet or in a bag.  I know a lot of girls (and some guys) like them too, but my love is extreme.  I have over 25 pairs of them, and my favorites are from my older sister.  They're gray with little polar bear faces on and little ears and ahhh I just can't control my love for them!

But it's not just a quirk.  It's a need.  I have extremely cold feet 100% of the time, so yeah you could say I need them.

2. Studying...

...After the test.

So a genuinely weird thing I do.  After a test, I will look up every answer that I wasn't sure on... I know.  It's just odd. I'm a nerd..

3. Darkness isn't my Friend
When I lived in Hong Kong, the city lights always filled the sky and it was never completely dark.  When I moved back to the US, it was completely dark and I always imagine people in my room.  So yeah... I didn't sleep for three weeks.  I still sleep with a stuffed animal... but it's a pillow pet, which makes it sort of socially acceptable...

Wait who am I kidding?  I'm a teenager who sleeps with a stuffed animal.

I'll just let that sink in for a second...

4. Resorting to the Hoodie

A lot of the time, I'll pick a semi nice outfit to wear to school, but as soon as I put it on, I feel self conscious and immediately take it off.  So, I go for the next thing I see in my closet, a comfy, slightly oversized hoodie. It works...

5. Resorting to my hair being down

So the same thing as number four... I'll do my hair in a French braid or curl it then decide it's too different, and brush it all out...  Wasting Time, yay!

Ok, so it might take a few less times, but still, you get the point (:
Image Creds: 100kteenagerposts on instagram

6. Anti–Procrastinating

So I'm bad at being a teenager... I get super stressed out if I hold something off until the last minute because I'm worried there won't be enough hours in the day to do it, so I usually do it all at once.

7.  Falling asleep early

Ask Lulu, I can't really stay up later than 11:00, especially on the weekends (which is ironic, really).

8. Waking up early

Related to the last one, I can't sleep later than 9:00... it's super depressing.  (I don't think that the saying "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" applies to teenagers)

From this, you probably figured out some of the most embarrassing things about me... which leads to me to:

9. I'm an open book

There are few things I'm not willing to share on the interweb(:

Goodbye fellow humans,  hope you enjoyed learning all of my secrets!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Common Chinese Phrases

For my middle school years, I lived in Hong Kong.  While I was there, I started learning Chinese, as did almost every other student there.  Because all of my friends understood it, we would say short phrases in Chinese every so often.

When I moved back to the US, the habit stuck... and I occasionally forget that I'm no longer surrounded by people who know Mandarin.  So, I decided I would tell you, my fellow friends, what I'm saying in Chinese so you don't think I'm insulting you, because I promise, I'm not! (I'm not THAT mean... Just kidding... I'm really not a mean person, at least according to Devon)

Both "English" and "Chinese"... English is on the right and is written with traditional characters (the hard ones)  and Chinese is on the left and is written with simplified characters (the slightly easier ones that I learned back in +852) (+852 is the area code for Hong Kong).  Image credits to wikipedia.

1. Hello

Nǐ hǎo (Pronounced

2. Thank You

Xièxiè (Pronounced shay.shay)

3. What

Shénme (Pronounced

4. Why

Wèishénme (Pronounced

5. Very Good

hěnhǎo (Pronounced

Thank you to Google for helping me out with the characters (:

If you spend any amount of time with me, these phrases would most likely be good to know (:  but you don't have too...

Have a supreme day (:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

One of my Flaws is Chasing Cars... I've had it for 100 years

For those of you who don't know Bastille, Snow Patrol, or Five for Fighting don't know what this blog post is about yet... Well, it's about music.

Music isn't like candy crush–we don't get addicted to it (haha yeah Candy Crush is a bit addicting... just a smidge) and it has actual meaning.

Last year, I listened to Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and even Glee (thank God I'm out of that stage...).  But I didn't listen to them because I felt an emotional connection to them, I listened to them because I didn't know what else to listen to.  They were just noise.

However, this school year I discovered bands and music that I could RELATE to.  It's really important to be able to relate to music because it helps you get through tough situations (and as teenagers, we have A LOT of those, am I right?)

Image generated by wordle

My favourite songs:

1. Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

"Forget what we’re told
Before we get too old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life"

I have no words to express my love for this song... It tells a story about love and excitement and discovery.  Although I'm not in a relationship, it means a lot to me.  The beat is great too, because it's just fast enough to be interesting, but it's not boring.  Also, something you should know before we go on, fast songs aren't really my thing...

"Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? 
Come down from your fences, open the gate 
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you 
You better let somebody love you, before it's too late"

Part of the reason this song means so much to me is because my Dad used to sing it to me so I would fall asleep when I was just a tiny child. This song is full of artistic metaphors and messages of hope, as cheesy as that does sound...It's super relaxing and is my go to song when I'm feeling down.

15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey 15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got a hundred years to live

No Words.  Just, no words.
This is such a great song.  So if you want the short version of it's meaning, well YOLO.   But it's so much more.  It describes different points in your life and the ups and downs of it, while saying that when you're young (specifically 15 years old) there's still so much for you to experience.  If anyone is feeling bad about their life, I highly recommend it (:  I know it helped me get through a lot!

*Note: These are my own interpretations of songs... sorry if you don't agree, but you also don't live inside my brain...

Some other REALLY great songs:

1. Flaws - Bastille
2. Pompei - Bastille
3. Let it go - The Beatles
4. Imagine - John Lennon 
5. Let Her Go - Passenger
6. Run - Snow Patrol
7. Counting Stars - One Republic
8. Hotel California - The Eagles
9. Aftermath - Lifehouse
10. Falling In - Lifehouse
                                      Along with about a million others...

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Little Efforts

Much to my disappointment, I no longer have a single lunch with two of my best friends, Devon and Lulu.   Although I still have English class with both of them, and AP geography with Lulu, it was a big change from having a chunk of time for socializing with them to in between class periods and after school for a few minutes.

Because of the change, I was incredibly worried that our friendship wouldn't be as strong (which is silly, I mean, it's 20 minutes a day).  Luckily, that hasn't happened!  Knock on Wood, right?

I did learn that the little conversations and the little efforts make a big difference.  For example, every other day, my first period class is at the high school.  However, I still go to the junior high for fifteen minutes just to see Devon, Lulu and some other friends.  Although it's not a lot, it's a huge difference, and it shows that I care about them, and that I want to spend time with them.

Overall, changing schedules can suck, a lot, but I think going out of your way to do something nice and to show that they matter a lot can really help.

If you're in a similar situation or you're a really busy person, this can apply to you.  Finding five or ten minute periods just to say hi and ask how a friend is doing can go a long ways.

Devon is a really cool person(:  He taught me how to cube, and we go skiing a lot (even though he is about a gazillion times faster than me... haha oh well).  He's a really cool, funny person and hanging out with him is so much fun (:

Lulu(: I had a picture but she didn't like it... so later (: She's my bestie!  We hang out a lot together and have a sleepover almost every week.  We ski a lot, drink way too much tea (way too much...), and watch a bunch of movies.  She's kind of obsessed with Tumblr... Oh, and also, SHERLOCK<3.