Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Why am I me?

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You!"
  -Dr. Seuss

Everybody is their own individual person, as illustrated in the quote by the Einstein of poetry/kids books, Dr. Seuss.  

We are different because of our genetics of course, but what about our environment?  The things we experience, the things we are drawn towards, and, of course, the media.

There are several specific things that have changed the way I think, act, or view the world.  
For some of them, I don't exactly know how they changed me because I encountered them when I was too young to remember my exact age.  For others, it's obvious how they changed me.  

Here are just three of the things that have changed me.  Of course, there are sosososososo many more (:

1. Desperado

Desperado is a song by the Eagles.  The lyrics are super meaningful, and the music itself is... well... amazing.  But it's more than the lyrics and the tune that are important to me.  Rather, it's the fact that my dad used to (and still occasionally does) sing it to me before I go to bed.  A lot of the time with music,  I think it's the experiences we have with the songs that make them special. 

Image Credits: pinterest

2. Matrix Club

Matrix Club was the club I was a part of in Hong Kong.  We worked with refugees, and it made a huge impact on me.  I learned so much from it - more than I have from any other experience.  I learned empathy, which is a big deal to me. I think empathy is the most important thing anyone can ever learn.  Matrix Club also made me realize how messed up our world can be, but also how wonderful it can be, how strong a person can be, and how much impact one person can make.

3. The Breakfast Club

Image Creds: Movie Pilot

In my movie blog post, I said that the Breakfast Club was the only movie that changed my life.  It's hard to explain why I love this movie so much, honestly.  I guess, for me at least, it's a metaphor for all of the people in the world.  No matter who you are, where you belong, you have serious problems.  It also is great because I think each one of the kids in it is represented in a little part of everyone - there's always part of you that's smart, that's rebellious, that's a diva, that's competitive, even that's a little bit crazy.

And that's what makes us who we are. 

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